About Pulsar Neighborhood

Mission Statement

The Pulsar Neighborhood community enables Apache Pulsar users and developers to learn about Pulsar and how to use it in their professional lives; via useful, interactive content (including blogs, Meetups, and YouTube videos). This is all driven by a passionate, vendor neutral, and inclusive community of members.

What We Are

The Pulsar Neighborhood is an independent community (Neighborhood) of Apache Pulsar users, developers, and enthusiasts looking to improve their Apache Pulsar skills, find new features & best practices of the project, and promote Apache Pulsar & its community enabling the project’s continued growth and prosperity. This is done both through creation of content (blogs, tutorials, videos, and speaking engagements) and by the consumption of content created by other “neighbors”. This is all driven by a passionate, vendor neutral community of members for the betterment of the Apache Pulsar community.

What We Are Not

The Pulsar Neighborhood is not the official location of Apache Pulsar information nor is it part of the Project Management Committee (PMC). Our “neighbors” have no more influence over the Apache Pulsar project than any other community member. While we might have PMC members, Committers, contributors, and other community members attend speaking engagements, create blogs, tutorials, videos, etc., they are not doing so in their official roles. The official way to influence the Apache Pulsar project (and all ASF projects) is by creating discussion on the Apache Pulsar @dev and @user mailing lists. Formal proposals are made by creating a PIP (Pulsar improvement Plan).

Our Values

  • “Community over Code”- this is the mantra of the ASF and The Pulsar Neighborhood (TPN) fully embraces this mantra by creating a Neighborhood where all are welcome to contribute.
  • Promote Apache Pulsar and its Neighborhood- like all ASF projects, Apache Pulsar is only as strong as the community (Neighborhood) around it.
  • Amplify the content of our fellow Neighbors- By working together as a Neighborhood, we can better promote the great work of our neighbors in a louder and more effective way than we could as individuals.
  • Openness- Everything that we do is open to all, and all of our content freely available. (just give TPN and the individual neighbor or neighbors credit!)
  • Vendor Neutrality- We believe in it and our actions show it.
  • Success- When one neighbor succeeds, the entire Pulsar Neighborhood succeeds.