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October 3, 2022
level 200
This article explores how Pulsar SQL queries data and the components involved. It also walks through an SQL query example.
August 23, 2022
level 100
This article offers a high-level comparison of Pulsar and Kinesis, contrasting important factors such as cost, scalability, and performance. exploring relevant use-cases that highlight the capabilities and differentiators of each.
This article introduces REST and event-driven architectures and explains why organizations should move to an EDA to maximize customer satisfaction.
May 13, 2022
level 100
In this article, we’ll explore what event streaming is, how it works, and discuss the growing importance of event streaming. Then, we’ll highlight how we can simplify the task of learning event streaming with the help of Apache Pulsar.
April 15, 2022
level 100
In this article, we'll evaluate the features, architectures, performance, and use cases of Apache Pulsar versus Kafka, to help you decide which is the better solution for you.
In this article, we’ll examine how Pulsar Schemas work and contrast them with schemaless systems to determine the best approach. We’ll also demonstrate how to use Java clients with Pulsar.